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Event Details
We can't wait to meet other folks who share our affinity for ELF culture.
No family holiday season is complete without our favorite grown human in bright yellow tights.
You know all the quotes.
You know how to spread Christmas Cheer.
Now it's time to head to MMPL and play and laugh and sing loud enough for all to hear.
This screening of 2003's ELF will take place in our Community Room. As you watch Buddy's journey from the North Pole to NYC, we'll have special instructions to help you and your family interact with the film with props, treats, and more.
It's going to be fun for elves of all ages! You can come dressed like a Gimbel's employee, or ready to snuggle in your coziest pajamas. We've got all the activities planned out and ready to go on our Etch-a-Sketch!
There's room for everyone on the nice list, but our seating does have some limitations, so be sure to register for this event ahead of time.