Chili Cookoff

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Purpose of Meeting

District 5 CattleWomen are sponsoring the ‘Takin’ the Chill out of Winter’ Chili Cookoff.

Bring your best beef chili recipe and challenge 7 other teams.
The cooking teams are limited to 3 members, 1 of the members may be 15- 17 years of age and the other 2 members must be 18 years old or older.
There will be a limit of 8 teams for the contest, register today! 
Register Here

District 5 CattleWomen will provide: 

  • Presto ' Big Kettle' 2.75qt cooker- an award to the team
  • 2 pounds ground beef
  • Electricity
  • Table and tablecloth
  • Bowls, spoons and napkins for judges and samples for public

Contestants/Team provide:

  • All other ingredients for Chili. No ingredients can be pre-cooked but may be pre-chopped.
  • All cooking utensils/gadgets to prepare your recipe
  • One copy of your recipe on 8.5x11" paper
  • No other meats may be added to the chili
  • Beans may be added

Contest Schedule:

  • 12:00pm - Contest Instructions
  • 12:05pm - Preparation and Cooking of your batch of chili
  • 1:30pm - Judging
  • 1:45pm - Public Tasting and voting on "People's Choice" award
  • 2:15-2:30pm - Awards Announced